Monday, April 2, 2012

pages 420-442: A found poem about Hans

Post a found poem, 6 lines long using only figurative language from the pages, about Hans. Make sure there is a specific theme throughout your found poem and cite the pages. List the title at the beginning and the theme at the end.


Away He Goes

She looks up (419)
The cigarette was done (419)
He aroused all the sadness (420)
He brought the house down (420)
"Guten Morgen, Papa" (423)
Her head was buried tightly into his chest, then gone (424).



  1. Everything has its consequences

    Don’t go, papa (424)
    Hans Hubermann grew smaller and smaller, and his hand held nothing now but empty air (425)
    Putting out the fires in their throats and softening the smoke (434)
    His hands were packed tightly with splinters (435)
    He threw himself into duty (436)
    His hands were uncontrollable (437)


  2. Even good guys suffer

    No hours, No minuets till goodbye(424)
    He was given one of the most undesirable positions on the home front(431)
    Dead body collectors (432)
    They can all taste it, putting out the fire in their throat and softening the smoke(434)
    His hands were packed tightly with splinters(435)
    A blood stain was signed across his face(435)


  3. Bubble

    Men drank themselves into oblivion (420)
    "you stupid Saukerl" (421)
    There was only the wardrobe-shaped woman (425)
    Putting out the fires in their throats (434)
    Sweet and sour dreams, waiting to happen (435)
    Papa's lungs were full of sky (437)


    1. Why did you choose "Bubble" as your title?
      Does it have a special meaning?
      I find it very interesting and it seems very random.

    2. I agree; why did you choose "Bubble as your title?
      How does the cursing forgive someone?
      What are the dreams waiting to happpen?

    3. I thought of 'Bubble' as an symbol of innocence and dreams and letting go or forgiving.
      It was partially random and partially not. Kind of.

      Frau says "you stupid Saukerl" to Hans when he came home drunk. At first it says she "rammed the words through the keyhole", which meant she wasn't really welcoming Hans. Then by the time Hans leaves, the two joke of the moment. I took that certain line from the scene because it really explains how Frau treated Hans. Frau was able to 'play along' with Hans which showed Frau forgetting or forgiving the incident, somewhat.

      "Sweet and sour dreams" are hopes and the future. Well, that's what I believe. It shows forgiveness because you are now looking forward to the future instead of dwelling in the past and past intentions, so it's like letting go, forgiving.

      I'm sorry it looks kind of lengthy but I hope I answered your questions.

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  5. Tales of a Drunk
    Counting the glass of Champagne (420)
    He made his was to the knoller (420)
    It was the wrong door (421)
    "You old drunk" (422)
    "Guten Morgen,Papa" (423)
    My apologies for last night (424)

  6. Replies
    1. Hardships and Longing

      Papa's lungs were full of sky (437)
      His teeth were caked with residue (435)
      His hands were packed tightly with splinters (435)
      His hands were uncontrollable. (437)
      His thoughts naturally progressed to Liesel and Rosa and the Steiners, and Max. (437)
      "Get used to it, Hubermann." (436)


  7. Recruited into war again

    Drank themselves to oblivion (420)
    People disappeared around him until no one was left (425)
    Left Himmel Street wearing his hangover and a suit (423)
    Was given one of the most undesirable positions (431)
    Wants to break down but wards it off (423)
    he ignored the distant echoes of calling people (436)


  8. "Gloomy Sunday"

    Invited to the stage to play the accordion, (420)
    Imagined the scene of it, and the sound. (420)
    The bellows sighed and the song was over.(421)
    They stood on the platform, (424)
    Hans Habermann grew smaller and smaller, and his hand held nothing now but empty air.(425)
    Rosa with Accordion, Moonlight on Dark (429)


  9. Leaving your loved ones

    He aroused all the sadness for which the song was renowned(420)
    He wants to break down but wards it off(423)
    They stood on the platform(424)
    No hours, no minutes till goodbye(424)
    Hans Hubermann grew smaller and smaller, and his hand held nothing but empty air (425)
    He left Himmel Street wearing his hangover and a suit(423)

    Departure, Melancholic

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  11. A Soldiers Affection

    Both lips were set with moist dust (435)
    He had his first smoky taste of an actual raid (433)
    His hands were packed tightly with splinters(435)
    His eyes were also round and he was constantly wiping them.(432)
    They were either tired or itchy or full of smoke and dust.(432)
    He left Himmel Street wearing his hangover and a suit (423)
    Tried to ignore the distant echoes of calling people. (436)

    Misery, Depression

  12. Is this Germany

    His hands were packed tightly; (435)
    The dangers merged into one, (435)
    The sky was white-horse gray. (436)
    The corpse was facedown (436)
    "Get used to it, Hubermann", (436)
    Was this Germany? (440)

    War, Loss of innocent

    ~Jacky Lee

    1. How is it the loss of innocence?

      How is there a loss of innocence for Hans? He was in a war before so wouldn't he have lost his innocence long ago?

  13. Reality

    He stood drunkenly in the doorway(421)
    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!(422)
    Don’t go, papa(424)
    Her head was buried tightly into his chest, then gone(424)
    Himmel Street was swollen(425)
    You stupid Saukerl(421)

    Hopelessness, gloominess

  14. War Cannot Be Escaped

    "An army hospital outside Vienna" (431)
    "Air Raid Special Unit" (431)
    "blanket of powder and dust" (436)
    "Papa's lungs were full of sky" (437)
    "His teeth were caked with residue from the fallout" (435)
    "The sky was white-horse gray" (436)


  15. Corpse Collectors

    "Leichensammler Einheit - Dead Body Collectors" (432)
    "The corpse was facedown" (436)
    "They accumulated, hour by hour" (435)
    "A person roaming doggedly through the fog" (435)
    "Always shouted a name" (435)
    "A knelt-down howl of grief" (435)

    Residues of War

  16. Unwillingness

    "He was given one of the most undesirable positions on the home front" (431)
    "Get used to it, Hubermann" (436)
    "His hands were uncontrollable, forcing him to make it short" (437)"
    "How could she argue?" (440)
    "Don't move" (440)
    "Everyone was ordered to stop" (441)


  17. TANG WU

    War brings out our true selves

    Goddamn it, Hubermann (434)
    His hands were packed tightly with splinters (435)
    The sky was white-horse gray (436)
    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!(422)
    He threw himself into duty (436)
    Papa's lungs were full of sky (437)


  18. It's Still Out There

    "Your lucky to be alive" (432)
    "reserved a special respect for cigarette butts" (433)
    "for a beer" (434)
    "It was a nice dream" (435)
    "I hope so, Papa" (423)
    "I hope your both well"(433)


  19. A Soldier’s Agony

    Papa’s lungs were full of sky (437)
    His hands were packed tightly with splinters (435).
    Putting out the fires in their throats (434)
    The voice struggled out of the flames (433).
    Their throats were filled with particles of ash (433)
    The sky was a white-horse gray (436).
    Powder and smoke and the gusty flames (435)
    Everything is fine here (433).
    With love, Papa (433).

    Struggling war

  20. Take Care

    Ignoring the warnings of their wives (420)
    "Look after Mama, will you?" (423)
    Steam rising weirdly from his clothes (422)
    Himmel Street was swollen (425)
    Her husband's accordion tied to her chest (429)
    He left Himmel Street wearing his hangover and a suit (423)


  21. Separation

    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! (422)
    You old drunk! (422)
    Goodbye, Hans (424)
    Don’t go, Papa. Just don’t go (424)
    The train was ready to leave (425)
    They watched each other as the train pulled away (425)

    Distressed and Heartbroken

  22. Han's Choice

    Dot't go papa (424)
    Just dont' go (424)
    Hans Hubermann smile at his daughter (425)
    He reached out and gently held her face in his hand (425)
    Watched each other as the train pulled away (425)
    Grew smaller and smaller (425)

    1. What's the theme?
      I was thinking it could be 'Duty' since Hans has a duty to protect his family and it's also his duty to choose what's best for himself and his family.

  23. Diana Kim
    The Stress of War

    His hangover was visible (422)
    It heaved itself to his shoulders (422)
    His hand held nothing now but empty air (425)
    Feeling the bareness (428)
    There was much running and shouting (433)
    Give them something to rest on (434)


  24. Erick Bonilla
    Period 8
    Depressing grey air

    "I've survived one before" (423)
    "Held nothing now but empty air" (425)
    "was in a group of four" (433)
    "Their throats were filled with particles of ash" (433)
    "The corpse was facedown" (436)
    "putting out the fire in their throats" (434)
    "Get used to it, Hubermann" (436)
    "The sky was white-horse gray" (436)

    Fear of War

  25. Torn Apart

    His hand held nothing now but
    Empty air (425)
    Papa's lungs were full of sky(437)
    She rammed the words through the keyhole(421)
    Both lips were set with moist dust(435)
    He wants to break down but wards it off (423)
    It heaved itself to his shoulders(422)
    They were now torn Apart.

  26. Mario Joya
    Honors Humanities 8
    April 2, 2012

    Nothing but Memories

    They stood on the platform, (424)
    Rosa embraced him first (424)
    No hours, no minutes till goodbye (424)
    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! (422)
    The sky was white-horse gray. (436)
    Rosa with Accordion, Moonlight on Dark (429)


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  28. Dusty Despair

    He left Himmel Street wearing his hangover and a suit. (423)
    His hand held nothing now but empty air. (425)
    Behind him, a building groaned and tripped. (433)
    Powder and smoke and the gusty flames, (435)
    Like sweet and sour dreams, waiting to happen. (435)
    Papa's lungs were full of sky. (437)


  29. No Communication

    “Hans Hubermann smiled at his daughter” (425)
    “This was Hans Hubermann’s strong point” (434)
    “It took many minutes” (437)
    “No words….Nothing” (425)
    “He dropped down and lay on his back” (437)
    “Hans Hubermann grew smaller and smaller” (425)


  30. “Most undesirable position. The LSH" (431)
    "You're lucky to be alive" (432)
    "He had his first smoky taste" (433)
    "Hubermann hosed all three of them" (433)
    "pastered with the gray and white conglomer" (434)
    "Ignore the distant echoes of calling people" (436)
